Rehabilitation Services
Upon admission, our team of professionals assesses each residents needs, and develops an appropriate care plan to ensure each resident functions at the highest possible level. We offer:
Physical Therapy for:
Mobility, Balance, Positioning, Modality Treatments, and Lower Extremity Functioning.
Occupational Therapy for:
Household Management Skills, Activities of Daily Living, Positioning Techniques, Functional Transfers, Positioning Techniques, and Upper Extremity Functioning.
Speech Pathology for:
Speech / Voice Improvement, Language, Hearing, Cognitive Linguistics, and Swallowing. Rehab Services are offered to all residents. For short term residents with the goal of returning home, therapies will focus on intensive daily therapy seven days a week to maximize the resident’s return to normal life. For long term residents, we will focus on assisting the resident to retain their maximum level of functioning.